Sometimes small changes can feel like running a marathon. It is for this reason that we would like to applaud a man for taking his health into his own hands, one step at a time.
Dave Sullivan is a writer and performer in St. John’s, he is witty, talented and 415 pounds. Dave’s journey began when he looked at himself in the mirror for the first time in years. It was that moment which provided the trigger he needed to start changing his life.
Every evening Dave sets out with his partner to go for an evening walk. He claims, “it couldn’t have been more than a couple of kilometers but for me, on that first night, it may as well have been an ultra-marathon.”
Change wasn’t easy for Dave, as he recalls excruciating pain and loss of breath, he never quit. Now he talks about feeling his body getting stronger, breath more controlled and confident and even sees his evening walks as a therapy.
What do we take away from Dave’s courage? Keep your goals small if you intend to keep them and just keep chipping away. Change – but don’t change much.
Make sure you follow Dave’s quick-witted portrayal of his inspiring progress by joining him on CBC News or, for even more content, on his blog.