
This article is brought to you by the Canadian Men’s Health Foundation (CMHF), a national, not-for-profit organization whose mission is to inspire men to live healthier lives.

Articles From menshealthfoundation

Lucky Winner! Men’s Health Week Contest

Lucky Winner! Men’s Health Week Contest

Do you love golf? How does a trip for 2 to play Angus Glen Golf Club in Toronto, new Nike Vapor golf clubs, and $1000 cash sound? That’s the grand prize, Chris T from Drayton Valley, Alberta claimed as part of our Ultimate Father’s Day Golf Giveaway. Congratulations,...

Over 55,000 Men’s Health Pledges Taken!

Over 55,000 Men’s Health Pledges Taken!

With over 55,000 health pledges taken, we all took a big step towards creating a social movement for men to live healthier, happier lives by embracing small changes. Why should you care? Because this is going to be a long-lasting legacy for a better Canada.  And... Turns Health Knowledge Into Power Turns Health Knowledge Into Power

Like many of you, I love checking things: My hair (or lack thereof), my account balances (or lack thereof), my luggage (as long as I don't have to pay those annoying fees) get the idea. But like most men, checking our health is another matter. We know it's...