Men’s Health Conditions

Painful Ejaculation

Painful ejaculation may affect sexual pleasure and can cause distress, anxiety, and lower self-esteem. Learn about the cause and treatment options. If you suffer from painful ejaculation, here’s some information to help you determine the cause and what treatment options are available.

Medically reviewed by:

Dr. Larry Goldenberg
Dr. Larry Goldenberg


Painful Ejaculation


Painful ejaculation is when painful, burning sensations are felt during or following ejaculation. Pain can be felt in the perineum (the area between the anus and the genitals) and the urethra (a tube that runs from the bladder to the end of the penis). 

Painful ejaculation is not life-threatening but may affect sexual pleasure and can cause a man distress, anxiety and lower self-esteem.


Painful ejaculation is not an uncommon condition and there are a number of causes, including:


To find the cause of painful ejaculation, a semen sample and urine sample after ejaculation may be taken. A urethral swab may be taken to see if there is an infection, such as a sexually transmitted infection. A test that looks at the inside of the bladder and urethra (cystoscopy) may also be done, although this is uncommon. 

For some men, it can be hard to describe the exact location of the pain. Men should go see a doctor if they experience pain during or following ejaculation to determine if a cause can be found.


All causes of painful ejaculation should be investigated by a doctor so the best treatment can be given. If no physical cause is found, some behavioural techniques to relax the muscles in the pelvic area may help some men. 

When the cause is prostatitis the use of medications such as ‘alpha-blockers’, muscle relaxants, analgesics, and some anti-inflammatory drugs may help. Specific antiviral and antibiotic medications can be given if the cause of painful ejaculation is due to an infection. If the cause is psychological, counselling may help deal with any underlying concerns.

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Last updated: Jan 23, 2024

Medically reviewed by:

Dr. Larry Goldenberg

Dr. Larry Goldenberg, CM, OBC, MD, FRCSC, FACS, FCAHS

Dr. Goldenberg is a urologic surgeon and clinical scientist, who specializes in prostate cancer research and treatment.

More about Dr. Larry Goldenberg