Press Release

Simon Whitfield launches Stand Up Paddle for men’s health

Four time Olympian tells men you don’t need to change much to feel better and live healthier

Simon Whitfield standing next to 2 stand up paddle boards

Toronto (June 5, 2014) — Simon Whitfield and ten other elite athletes are launching the Stand Up Paddle For Men’s Health to draw attention to men’s health issues and help the Canadian Men’s Health Foundation (CMHF) let men know they don’t need to change much to feel better and live healthier.

“Every year far too many Canadian men go missing from our daily lives, not because they die, but because they have become very unhealthy or sick,” says four-time Olympian Whitfield. “We want men to know they can change that by making small changes now.”

Yesterday CMHF launched a national awareness campaign encouraging men to change—but not too much. The campaign inspires men to make small, healthy lifestyle changes that will profoundly impact their lives. The campaign’s website——is populated with simple, healthy lifestyle tips and messages from CMHF’s National Champions Simon Whitfield, Trevor Linden, Alain Vigneault, Shea Emry, Adam Kreek, Ned Bell and Jim Hughson.

“We want to give them information they can understand and use,” says Whitfield. “Small changes that will help them step up and stay with us.”

On June 11, during the first ever Canadian Men’s Health Week from June 9th to 15th—Father’s Day—Whitfield will launch the Stand Up Paddle for Men’s Health, powered by Duracell. “I have always been driven by the relentless pursuit of excellence, so it’s great to be partnering with Duracell again, who like me, recognizes the power to go further,” says Whitfield. “Duracell also believes in the power of giving back, so it’s fantastic to have them onboard supporting CMHF and the Stand Up Paddle For Men’s Health.”

Joining Whitfield for the 140 kilometre paddle between Vancouver, BC and Victoria, BC are Jack Bark, George Plsek, Lina Augaitis, Chad Guenter, Markus Pukonen, Duff Gibson, Roch Frey, Yannick Michaud, Mike Darbyshire and Morgan Hoesterey.

Whitfield sees the Stand Up Paddle For Men’s Health as a metaphor of how small steps can have a profound effect on people’s lives. “It takes about 600 paddles to go 1 KM,” says Whitfield. “Over 3 ½ days we will travel 140KM, spending up to 12 hours per day on the boards.”

 Whitfield says the paddlers will push the limits of endurance while exploring many aspects of men’s health. “Obviously there is physical activity,” says Whitfield. “Nutrition and sleep are important. Our mental state will be critical. We will need to ask for help, work together, find ways to deal with stress, fear, and exhaustion. The team will all need to pull together.”

To support the CMHF and the Stand Up Paddle For Men’s Health, Duracell announced for every pack of Duracell Quantum batteries purchased at Canadian Tire between June 1-15, 2014, Duracell will donate $1 to the Canadian Men’s Health Foundation. The money will help raise awareness of the problems around men’s health and create a new social movement that will motivate them with health information and lifestyle programs in a way they can truly hear, absorb and act on.

You can follow the paddle at or on Twitter at #SUP4MH.


​Canadian Men’s Health Foundation (CMHF) is a national, non-profit organization founded by Order of Canada recipient Dr. Larry Goldenberg.  The mission of CMHF is to inspire Canadian men to live healthier lives. 70 % of men’s health problems can be prevented by adopting healthy lifestyles. CMHF will create a new social awareness and motivate men and their families using health information and lifestyle programs in ways they can hear, absorb, and act on.  Funding for CMHF has been provided by private donors, grants from the British Columbia Provincial Government, and Sun Life Financial.

For more information or to book an interview, please contact:
Canadian Men’s Health Foundation
[email protected]
(604) 737-2990

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