Press Release

Riaz Meghji Joins CMHF Champions Roster

Riaz Meghji joins CMHF to help raise awareness and motivate action on men’s health issues.

Riaz Meghji

Vancouver, BC – The Canadian Men’s Health Foundation (CMHF) is proud to introduce Riaz Meghji as its newest National Champion. Meghji is a human connection expert, keynote speaker and author who will lend his voice and support to help further grow CMHF resources for men and their families.

CMHF’s newest resource, the Don’t Change Much Podcast, features an interview with Riaz Meghji by host Dan Murphy called: Better Health Starts With A Conversation. Riaz’s podcast episode will be available on Tuesday, July 12th. Each month the Don’t Change Much Podcast offers health and well being insights from top influencers, world-class athletes and experts on podcast platforms everywhere.

“I’m excited to enter the conversation on men’s health and support CMHF as a National Champion,” said Meghji. “In an age when we are overwhelmed with distractions, the need for meaningful conversations about mental, physical and social health has never been greater. I’ve learned from experience the benefits of prioritizing my own health and am honoured to work with CMHF to help more men prioritize their health.”   

“Riaz is a gifted communicator and we’re thrilled to have him join our roster of CMHF National Champions,” said TC Carling, President & CEO of the Canadian Men’s Health Foundation. “His ability to positively influence and engage others on challenging topics like grief, loneliness and meaningful social connection is profound. CMHF believes that healthy men make healthy communities and Riaz represents this quality in the important work he does.”

Read more about Meghji’s tips on loneliness, social anxiety and how to connect meaningfully with others at Don’ Meghji is the author of Every Conversation Counts: The 5 Habits of Human Connection That Build Extraordinary Relationships.

About Canadian Men’s Health Foundation:

Canadian Men’s Health Foundation (CMHF) is a national, not-for-profit organization with a mission to inspire Canadian men and their families to live healthier lives. The statistics around men’s health in Canada are alarming; 70% of men’s health problems can be prevented by adopting healthy lifestyles. Learn more at and

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