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Watching a guy play catch with a toddler? Boring. Watching the toddler accidentally nail him in the nads? Unboring!  Ball-related mishaps are always good for a laugh—as long as they’re not your balls—but testicular torsion is no joke. Nut health is an important part of men’s health, and will allow you (and your future family) to continue being awesome So brace yourself…for…testicular torsion. Don’t panic! Here’s what you need to know Testicular what now? The condition, which happens when the bundle of cords that connects to and holds the testicles is twisted, occurs in around 1 in 4,000 males mostly under the age of 25. In short, it’s a rare condition, but at least you know what it is now! In most males, a testicle cannot twist due to strong surrounding tissue in the scrotum. But for some guys, especially youngsters, the testicles move more freely. Combine this physical predisposition with any sort of movement—even rolling over in bed—and testicular torsion can occur, especially if the testicles are not properly supported and protected. Symptoms and treatment There’s sudden, extreme pain in one of the testicles—usually the left one—which is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Testicular torsion is a medical emergency […]

Don’t Break Your Balls

Don’t Break Your Balls

Watching a guy play catch with a toddler? Boring. Watching the toddler accidentally nail him in the nads? Unboring!  Ball-related mishaps are always good for a laugh—as long as they’re not your balls—but testicular torsion is no joke. Nut health is an important...