Whitfield and Linden tell men you don’t need to change much
New Canadian Men’s Health Foundation launches national campaign at DontChangeMuch.ca
Ottawa (June 1, 2014) — Olympic medalist Simon Whitfield and Hockey legend Trevor Linden are helping the new Canadian Men’s Health Foundation (CMHF) let men know they don’t need to change much to feel better and live healthier.
CMHF officially launched today on Parliament Hill with senior federal and provincial government officials, national health organizations, sports celebrities and leaders from corporate Canada in attendance.
“Guys have a lot on their plates with careers and families, and not a lot of time.” says four-time Olympian Simon Whitfield, “We want to give them information they can understand and use. Small changes that will help them step up and stay with us.”
CMHF unveiled its national awareness campaign encouraging men to change—but not too much. The campaign inspires men to make small, healthy lifestyle changes that will have a big impact on their lives. The campaign’s website—DontChangeMuch.ca—is populated with simple, healthy lifestyle tips and messages from CMHF’s National Champions: Trevor Linden, Simon Whitfield, Alain Vigneault, Shea Emry, Adam Kreek, Ned Bell and Jim Hughson.
“Every year too many Canadian men go missing from our daily lives not because they die, but because they have become very unhealthy or sick,” says Trevor Linden, President, Hockey Operations, Vancouver Canucks. “We want men to know they can change that by making small changes now.”
CMHF is pilot testing You Check, the world’s first health awareness tool built specifically for men. Sponsored in part by Sun Life Financial, You Check takes 10 minutes, is free, anonymous and 100% confidential. You Check is unique because it assesses seven different diseases to provide a customized report and lifestyle advice to help men establish healthy habits.
CMHF also unveiled plans for the first ever Canadian Men’s Health Week (CMHW). From June 9th to 15th—Father’s Day—CMHF will partner with the Canadian Medical Association, the Dietitians of Canada, and the Canadian Mental Health Association to raise awareness of men’s health. Simon Whitfield will launch the Stand Up Paddle for Men’s Health, powered by Duracell, that same week.
Dr. Larry Goldenberg, CMHF Founder and Chairman of the Board, has been working towards this day for five years. “Canada and its families would be a better place if more men lived more active and healthier lives,” says Goldenberg. “CMHF will create a new social movement that will serve to motivate men with health information and lifestyle programs in a way they can truly hear, absorb and act on. In time, men’s attention to health will become second nature, like seatbelts.”
The Don’t Change Much campaign focuses on five core areas to improve men’s health: Nutrition, Activity, Sleep, Mental Health and Smoking & Drinking.
Joining Dr. Goldenberg for the official launch was the founder of the Men’s Health Caucus MP Dr. Colin Carrie and representatives from Sun Life Financial – a National Sponsor of CMHF.
“We can’t do this on our own,” says CMHF President Wayne Hartrick. “We need to trigger the involvement of organizations across the country—from community centres to health care organizations and NGOs—to start this conversation with men.”
Canadian Men’s Health Foundation (CMHF) is a national, non-profit organization founded by Order of Canada recipient Dr. Larry Goldenberg. The mission of CMHF is to inspire Canadian men to live healthier lives. 70 % of men’s health problems can be prevented by adopting healthy lifestyles. CMHF will create a new social awareness and motivate men and their families using health information and lifestyle programs in ways they can hear, absorb, and act on. Funding for CMHF has been provided by private donors, grants from the British Columbia Provincial Government, and Sun Life Financial.
For more information contact:
Canadian Men’s Health Foundation
[email protected]
(604) 737-2990
Download Press Release in PDF: Whitfield and Linden tell men you don’t need to change much to feel better and live healthier
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