Mindshift Groups Therapy Program Reveals Growing Need
On World Mental Health Day, CMHF and Anxiety Canada encourage additional donor support to grow MindShift Groups for men.

MindShift Groups therapy program reveals growing need for men’s mental health services
On World Mental Health Day, Canadian Men’s Health Foundation and Anxiety Canada encourage additional donor support to grow MindShift Groups for men.
Vancouver, Oct. 10, 2023 – The Canadian Men’s Health Foundation (CMHF) and Anxiety Canada are proud to expand a men’s-only MindShift Groups therapy program to connect more men facing financial barriers with no-cost support for mild to moderate anxiety.
A successful pilot of the eight-week men’s MindShift Groups virtual therapy program in January 2023 highlighted a significant need to grow the program. Through fundraising efforts and the generous support of donors, the CMHF and Anxiety Canada have expanded beyond the pilot to host two additional men’s groups in fall 2023 and winter 2024.
“Not only did the men’s-only group have record attendance and engagement, nearly every participant reported significant improvements,” says Judith Law, CEO of Anxiety Canada. “Men of different ages and backgrounds opened up to each other, showed vulnerability, and shared how much the program helped them feel understood and supported.”
“Everybody deserves safe, barrier free access to therapy and this program is working to break stigmas and allowing more men to get the support they need,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health. “By supporting the Canadian Men’s Health Foundation as it expands these important mental health resources, we are collectively ensuring that men in B.C. can live healthier lives.”
“Thanks to our donors and Anxiety Canada, we were proud to launch the first men’s-only MindShift Groups this year, and even more pleased to expand it into 2024,” says TC Carling, CMHF President & CEO. “These men are raising their hands and asking for help. With the support of additional partners and donors we can support more men, and their communities, year-round.”
To support the increase in need, additional partners and donors are encouraged to contribute to the long-term growth of MindShift Groups.
To learn more about MindShift Groups and registration dates, visit anxietycanada.com/mindshift-groups. To support the men’s MindShift Groups program, email [email protected].
The Canadian Men’s Health Foundation is supported in part by the Province of BC, the Government of Canada, as well as generous donors and partners.
About Canadian Men’s Health Foundation
The Canadian Men’s Health Foundation (CMHF) is a national, not-for-profit organization with a mission to inspire men and their families to live healthier lives. The statistics around men’s health in Canada are alarming; 70% of men’s health problems can be prevented by adopting healthy lifestyles. Learn more at menshealthfoundation.ca and dontchangemuch.ca.
About Anxiety Canada
Anxiety Canada™ is a global leader in developing free, online self-help and evidence-based anxiety resources, including the free, award-winning MindShift® CBT app. A registered charity and non-profit organization, Anxiety Canada was established more than twenty years ago to reduce the barrier of anxiety so people can live the life they want. Anxiety Canada provides services and programs people can trust, including the MindShift Program, downloadable PDF resources, and free online courses, called My Anxiety Plans (MAPs). Learn more at anxietycanada.com.
Media Contact:
Meaghan Skoropada, Brand & Campaigns Manager
[email protected]
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