A Guy’sGuide to EatingHealthy
Make healthy eating easier with simple dietitian tips, food facts, and recipes made for men.

Reduce risk of cancer
Reduce risk of heart disease
Reduce risk of type 2 diabetes
Increase healthy years
Strengthen immunity & gut health
Boost energy levels
Need a Reason to Eat Healthier?
When you have a lot on your plate, eating healthier might feel like an impossible task. Start small with the simple tips in this guide to feel better, improve your health and much more.
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A Guy’s Guide to Eating Healthy
Reviewed and supported by TELUS Health MyCareTM Registered Dietitian Caitlin Boudreau, CMHF Champion and Chef Ned Bell, Diabetes Canada and Windset Farms®.
How to mAKE eATING Healthy eASIER
with Toby Hargrave, Caitlin Boudreau and guest host Buzz Bishop
Healthy eating tips from the experts
Get Personal Nutrition Advice
CMHF and TELUS Health MyCareTM want to help men eat healthier and feel better. Get expert advice from a registered dietitian, from the comfort of your home.
What to expect in a dietitian session. Read article
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A Guy’s Guide to Eating Healthy is proudly supported by:
*TELUS Health MyCare dietitian services are currently available in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario. Offer available for up to 3 (three) 50-minute dietitian appointments at $115 each, booked and completed by August 15, 2024. Users under some employer-sponsored solutions will not pay a fee for the service. Users must be 16 years or older to access dietitian appointments. Dietitian appointments booked or completed after the offer has been redeemed or has expired require additional payment of $120. Any payments for appointments must be paid using a valid credit card. An in-app receipt will be provided for you to claim for reimbursement if applicable.