Men's Health Foundation Blog

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 Study Finds a Third of Canadian Men Are Sleep Deprived TV, Internet and late eating preventing sleep’s important health benefits TORONTO, ON  (July 25, 2016) – A new study conducted by the Canadian Men’s Health Foundation (CMHF) and Intensions Consulting has examined the sleep habits of Canadian men. The study, which surveyed 500 Canadian men between the ages of 30 and 49, found that a third (33%) of men are only getting 4 to 6 hours of sleep each night. This amount of sleep is much lower than the 7 to 8 hours recommended by health experts, and may explain why nearly half of Canadian men (49%) said they often wake up feeling tired or not refreshed in the morning. “Men may be surprised to learn that getting at least 7 hours of sleep is a great way to speed up your metabolism, reduce your chances of having a heart attack, prostate cancer and developing type 2 diabetes,” said Dr. Larry Goldenberg, Chairman of the CMHF. “In some cases, for men experiencing erectile dysfunction, the cause may be OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) which is characterized by snoring and breathless spells during sleep. Overall, sleep impacts your health and well-being .” […]

What Your Lance Of Love is Telling You

What Your Lance Of Love is Telling You

9 times out of 10, ejaculation is a good thing. (About as good as it gets, actually.) But painful ejaculation? Not just bad: Wrong. How can something that’s supposed to be all about pleasure cause a burning sensation behind or inside your balls? Why it happens Painful...